Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Smugglers of Mourne

"The Smugglers of Mourne" is Rasha's Favorite book for this week. Rasha summarized the story on her own blog. The story is an adventural work. Here you are an extract from the story" Tom Murphy was young when his father was hung ! Poor Tom ! Poor Tom , they took Tom and tied him and hid him away in a stone". Rasha chose the story and summarized it, she would be happy if your comments were there.

If you would like to read the story visit Rasha's Blog:


SamerQcc said...

The story is very prety T learned lots of things. The pictures express the feelings of depression.

Hanan Matar*** said...

The story is great and it has alot of exciting things.

khamees said...

The Story of Mphouh is very beautiful and I loved all the stories that are like that story.I wish a great future for you.

Please accept greetings :

Khamis Aljmala

tala said...

The story is so nice,beautiful ,and exciting.
Thanks alot, I loved your story so much
i hope you a great success.